Massage! What Can It Do?
Massage as a therapy is as old as the hills having been mentioned in Chinese scripts dating back 6000 years, Egyption scripts 5000 years old and having even been mentioned by Hypocrates - the father of modern medicine. Massage became a form of relaxation during Roman times, favoured as a means of pampering rather than for any health benefit. Although, I'm sure gladiators would have felt the benefits after a battle in the colluseum.
During the dark ages and until much more recently massage was all but forgotten as a means of improving health. The modern system of Swedish Massage was only codified as recently as the 19th century. The basic strokes used in massage then are still used today. Unfortunately the use of massage went out of fashion during the middle of last century as it gathered a reputation for being either 'luxurious pampering', a cover for prostitution, or only for sportsmen and women, with little in between.
The growth of the alternative therapy movement during the seventies saw some adventurous types moving beyond simple 'relaxation massage'. although, relaxation is still very much part of massage, what is today known as 'deep tissue massage' led the way to a number of current massage therapies. Relaxation massage is not just pampering, it is for relief of muscular tension, aches and pains as well as improving circulation, lymphatic drainage, muscle tone, skin tone and creating a feeling of well-being and invigoration.
Neuromuscular therapy, muscle energy techniques, trigger point therapy and soft-tissue release are all part of the arsenal of a modern massage therapist. GP's and other health workers are increasingly recognising massage as being of benefit after injury or insult to the muscular/skeletal system and even as a pre- or post-operative aid to quicker recovery. Long standing postural problems or defensive holding patterns caused by injury may be handled without resorting to drugs. simple sprains and strains can be helped and reduced by massage when applied in an appropriate manner and with the correct technique.
Relief from pain and discomfort from aching muscles and joints whether vigorous or gentle, massage of aching muscles or joints helps bring relief by stimulating blood-flow and removing waste products built up by exercise or work. It even helps to passively exercise under-used muscles and joints.
Faster Recovery From Injury
Recovery from injury is brought about by increased blood-flow, stimulating lymphatic drainage and exercising body parts it may be too painful to move by yourself.
Faster Recovery After Operations
Pre- and post-operation massage greatly improves the amount of time taken to recover from surgery by the means described above. It can also help to reduce scarring as the fibres that have been invaded knit together more quickly with gentle massage. A small amount of stretching and massage keeps circulation working properly whilst convalesing speeding up recovery.
Greater Flexibility And Range Of Motion
Passive stretching of muscles helps to recover full range of movement within joints even after protective patterns have been in place for some time.
Better Circulation
Better circulation is not only involved in pumping blood round the body but also in eliminating waste products. Fatty acids build up with work and exercise and need to be flushed through the system. Those molecules that are to big to pass into the blood stream are sent back via the lymphatic system. This system benefits greatly from the stimulation that massage provides.
Improved Skin Condition
Improved circulation means more oxygen getting to and waste products being removed from the skin cells. More oxygen means healthier more flexible skin through production of sebum (our natural moisturiser) and a proper acidity to the skin for protection from germ invasion.
Well-Being And Vitality
The feeling of pleasure and relaxation received from massage aids the whole body in feeling more energetic. Muscles move better, joints work more smoothly, aches and pains reduce all leaving you feeling revitalised all over. Sleep can improve and headaches reduce with the resulting feeling of well-being making you feel quite different, relaxed and happier.