You will find it comfortable to begin with having your back massaged; it will help you relax easily. Because the back contains many nerves and nerve endings, massage done on your back has a direct and profound effect over your entire body. |
Upper back:
Shoulders (back)
Legs (back)
Front of the massage begins at your neck; you will find the neck stretch absolutely wonderful, it will leave you feeling at least 2 inches taller. Then the face is massaged, and then the rest of the front of your body. |
Front (chest)
Legs (front)
A series of energy lines run through the body relating to all its aspects. Along these lines lie numerous pressure points. If the energy of the lines is excessive or deficient, pressing the points help restore the balance, and reduces chances of disease. |
Pressure points
YONI is Sanskrit for vulva. Loosely translated, it means "sacred space" or "Sacred Temple" The objective of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect. |
The goal is simply to pleasure and massage the Yoni. If orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. |
All Body Massage